Randy Marion Sav-a-lot

Get Pre-Approved

When you come to Randy Marion Sav-A-Lot we realize that you may want to or need to finance your vehicle purchase, and that is where our financing team is here to help. They have experience dealing with multiple lenders and they have handled thousands of customers under various different circumstances. They will make sure that you have the options that you want and need. They will also be ever friendly with you and they will never pass judgment on you. We want you to be able to plan your budget ahead of time. Sometimes it can be difficult to know what you can afford when you are surrounded by price tags. Get rid of some of the guesswork and use the form that we have provided for you below. This form will be able to give you an accurate picture regarding your potential loan payment. You can even play around with the variables to figure out how you can affect those loan payments and what you should be looking for in a loan. This is just one more tool that Randy Marion Sav-A-Lot provides to you so that you can have the answers that you need.

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Your Information

In connection with your transaction, Randy Marion Sav-A-Lot may acquire information about you as described in this notice, which we handle as stated in this notice.

We may collect personally identifiable information such as name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, social security number, date of birth, etc. This personal information is collected and used by Randy Marion Sav-A-Lot Credit Application staff for the purpose of facilitating a relationship or business transaction.

Our website resides behind a firewall and uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer, the industry-standard security protocol used to communicate with browsers) to transmit personal information. Data is strongly encrypted during transmission to ensure that personal and payment information is secure. Industry-standard data encryption techniques are used to protect personal information.